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Subject:Re: Messages. . . From:Fred M Jacobson <fred -at- BOOLE -dot- COM> Date:Mon, 24 May 1993 15:40:10 PDT
> How are we to justify a demand for good writing from those who write
> for us, if we don't demand it when writing amongst ourselves?
Nevertheless, I think we must recognize levels of formality in writing
to this list as we do, as professionals, in other writing. My standards
of grammar and clarity when I am trying to explain a complex concept or
argue a subtle point are different than when I am giving personal
encouragement or asking a question I don't quite understand. (And I want
to be able to do both of those.)
> ..., the worst thing we can do is shoot ourselves in the collective
> foot ...
Maybe the second worst thing we can do is to put our collective foot down
on top of a list member who is sincerely trying to participate.
INTERNET: fred -at- boole -dot- com PHONE: (408) 524-3292 FAX: (408) 730-0558
USPS: Fred Jacobson / Boole & Babbage / 510 Oakmead Pkwy / Sunnyvale CA 94086