Re: Licensing tech. communicators

Subject: Re: Licensing tech. communicators
From: Ad absurdum per aspera <JTCHEW -at- LBL -dot- GOV>
Date: Wed, 23 Jun 1993 22:17:13 GMT

>" it time for the Society for Technical Communication to
>establish a licensing or registration program that makes it easier
>to weed out those who just want 'a job?'"

Well, for starters, the STC can't license bo-diddley without
the cooperation of the government, which sounds like a good
definition of the time they no longer need my dues.

Here's my opinion (which, along with a buck, will buy you
an espresso). When technical communication equals engineering,
licensing, or professional registration that is tantamount to
licensing, will make sense. But it doesn't and probably never
will. For that matter, there are straight-up engineering
fields in which registration as a Professional Engineer is not
widely pursued.

This idea was killed the last time it came up, in the early 80's,
but I guess somebody forgot to drive the stake through its heart.

"Just another personal opinion from the People's Republic of Berkeley"

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