Re: FrameMaker

Subject: Re: FrameMaker
From: Susan Ballantine <sballant -at- IASTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 1 Jul 1993 13:34:46 GMT

I manage an ag econ journal (300+ pages 5 x year, lots of complex display
equations) and I'm looking at producing it desktop, instead of coding for
the printer, which we do right now. The other publication I have (a magazine)
is already produced desktop on PageMaker (on a Mac): my printer recommends
that I use FrameMaker, not PageMaker, for the Journal. He says that the
math typesetting is more easily manageable. (I had planned to use
Expressionist for the math if we used PM for the journal.)
Can anyone give me any feedback on this? Is this a sensible way to go? I've
never used FrameMaker, don't know anyone who does: but I've been using
PageMaker since version 1.0. Does anyone have experience producing large
documents with lots of math dtp?
All advice welcome.
Sue Ballantine
Iowa State University

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