Re: HELP!! (Interleaf Gurus)

Subject: Re: HELP!! (Interleaf Gurus)
From: Steve Fouts <sfouts -at- ELLISON -dot- SC -dot- TI -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 2 Jul 1993 15:19:58 CDT


I am inclined to think that you have problems that are not Interleaf
related. Once locked up in an EPS file, the only thing that an application
can do is place, size, and crop the picture. The PS code is inserted inline
when the application prints. Interleaf doesn't touch the EPS...

So... Are you creating vector graphics, or bitmapped graphics with MacDraw?
What are the resoltions of the two output devices in question? I know the Hp
runs 300 dpi. Are you sizing the graphics in Interleaf? Why are you using
MacDraw rather than Interleaf's more capable drawing package? Why MacDraw
over any of the vector graphics packages on the Mac such as Illustrator
or FreeHand (my favorite)? Are the Mac and Vax connected? Have you tried
porting an Ileaf PS file to the Mac and printing it on the HP with the
LaserWriter Utility? What happed? Were the graphics any better?

I just don't have enough info to speculate....

Regards, Steve

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