STC Joblines (formerly BBS)

Subject: STC Joblines (formerly BBS)
From: Charles Fisher <decrsc!charles -at- UUNET -dot- UU -dot- NET>
Date: Thu, 8 Jul 1993 17:46:03 -0400

To Chuck and Amy (and everyone else):

The DC Chapter of the STC has a job hotline but not a bulletin board
service. Currently, this means that we have an answering machine in some-
one's basement with a very long tape on it that we can access by remote
and update the listings. Many (but not all) chapters offer similar
job services. Some will collect x copies of your resume and try to
match you and your skills to any jobs that employers might contact them
about. If you're interested in employment assistance in your neck of the
woods (or the neck of the woods that you want to be in), call the STC office
at (703) 522-4114 for a local STC chapter contact in that area.

Chuck - call or send an email to me directly if you want to talk details
about our job line. We're planning an upgrade to a PC-based voicemail system
this summer.

Amy - For some reason, you can't access the job listings the very first time
you access the STC BBS. About 24 hours (or so) after your first access, you
should be able to get to everything the next time you dial in. You'll have
to remember the password you created the first time you logged in (or else
start over). If you can't access everything, contact the STC office.

Charles Fisher
Senior Documentation Specialist
Program Manager/President-Elect, STC Washington, DC Chapter

Datatel, Inc.
4375 Fair Lakes Court
Fairfax, VA 22033
(703) 968-4588 (voice)
(703) 968-4625 (FAX)
charles -at- datatel -dot- com

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