NeXT/SUN platform differences

Subject: NeXT/SUN platform differences
From: Robin Foster <robin -at- PROPONENT -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 14:54:17 -0700

I'm documenting a software product on the NeXT platform. The product
is also being developed for the SUN Open Look/Motif environment as
well. Is there anyone who has had experience on both these platforms
and who might be able to point out the user interface differences
between these platforms? (The SUN developers are at a remote
location, which makes such discussions difficult.)

(I plan to use FrameMaker's "conditional text" feature to create the
dual-platform manual.)

Also, if anyone has advice as to what tools are available under SUN
Open Look/Motif for capturing screen shots, I'd appreciate it.

-Robin Foster
Robin Foster | "Lost in space..."
robin_foster -at- proponent -dot- com |
65 Red Hill Circle
Tiburon, CA 94920

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