Re: Job Information

Subject: Re: Job Information
From: Chuck Banks <chuck -at- ASL -dot- DL -dot- NEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 21 Jul 1993 10:01:43 CDT

Allison and Laurie,

Janie Bergen mentioned the Society for Technical Communication as
an asset to your professional growth. STC chapters also provide
an aid to job seekers called the Job Bank. You usually don't have
to join STC to benefit from the Job Bank.

STC Job Banks list job offers from local or regional employers.
Often, the job offers listed are not advertised widely, if at all.

STC Job Bank members also frequently provide backgound information
about employers and some help with distributing your resume.

So contact your local STC chapter ASAP. If you can't find an
address for them, write to the national office and ask for the
local address. The postal address for the national STC office

Society for Technical Communication
901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 904
Arlington, VA 22203-1854

Phone: (703) 522-4114

FAX: (703) 522-2075

BBS: (703) 522-3299 (N-8-1)

Finally, STC Job Bank members can provide reliable salary figures
for your area, names of word processing and desktop publishing
packages used by paticular employers, and names of contacts at
each employer.

And just for Laurie:

No, most technical writers don't work for computer firms. But
most technical writers do work with computers to produce
documentation. Here are a few areas where you can expect to
find technical writers:

Aerospace manufacturers
Medical equipment manufacturers
Defense equipment manufactures/contractors
Telephone system manufacturers
Telecommunications manufacturers (radio, television, etc.)
Electronic component and equipment manufacturers
Electromechanical manufacturers (copiers, postal cancellation equip.)
U. S. Military (as Department of Defense civilians)

So don't think we're all involved in writing up the latest
software bell or whistle. There is plenty of technical writing
being done outside the computer industry.

Good Luck!

Chuck Banks
__ ________ ______
|\\ | || // Chuck Banks
| \\ | ||_______ || Senior Technical Writer
| \\ | || || NEC America, Inc.
| \\| \\______ \\______ E-Mail: chuck -at- asl -dot- dl -dot- nec -dot- com
America, Incorporated CompuServe: 72520,411

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