Tech Writing Degree Programs

Subject: Tech Writing Degree Programs
Date: Sun, 25 Jul 1993 12:49:00 CST

Adding to the list of degree programs, let me mention mine, a
Graduate Certificate in Technical Communication from the University of
Alabama in Huntsville. This is a 15-hour (5 course) program available
along with or separate from a master's program in any university

A few years ago, Freda Stohrer and I did a survey of internships in
tech. com. for
*Technical Communication* (vol. 37.3, August 1990). We
included a 3-page table describing about 50 programs that responded
to our survey in 1989. It wasn't complete then, but it's a good place
to start in looking up programs geographically, while we await publication
of the STC directory of degree programs. (Ours lists both graduate and
undergraduatek programs, but many places who have undergrad programs
are adding graduate ones, and vice versa. My program was undergrad
only when I wrote that article.)

Rose Norman
Rose Norman, Associate Professor of English
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899
RNORMAN -at- UAHVAX1 bitnet or RNORMAN -at- ASNUAH -dot- ASN -dot- NET
or UAHRXN01 -at- ASNUAH -dot- ASN -dot- NET -dot- internet

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