Information from TECHWR-L Listowner

Subject: Information from TECHWR-L Listowner
From: Eric Ray <ejray -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Thu, 29 Jul 1993 09:39:14 CDT

Hi all,
I finally got around to putting together this little
informational posting to stave off some of the
questions I get. If anyone wants to add to, modify, or
rewrite this note, please do so and send me a copy. I
will be posting this or something similiar to this on a
regular basis (read: whenever I get around to it).

Q: How do I subscribe to TECHWR-L?
A: Send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:
SUB TECHWR-L first_name last_name

For example:

Q: How do I unsubscribe?
A: Send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: What are digests and how do I get them?
A: Digests are daily mailings which include all
postings to TECHWR-L from the last 24 hours. These
are unedited, and unmoderated--they just give you
one big message instead of many little ones.
To get digests (assuming you are a subscriber),
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q: I got digests, and now I want reqular mail. What do
I do?
A: To change from digests back to regular mail,
send a message to:
LISTSERV -at- VM1 -dot- UCC -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Leave the subject line blank, and include on the
first line of the message:

Q; Who is the listowner and how do I contact him?
A: Eric Ray is the owner (that's me), and my address is
EJRAY -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU -dot- My telephone number is

Q: What is STC and how do I contact them?
A: STC is the Society for Technical Communication, and is
main professional organization for technical
and scientific communicators. Any questions, comments
or suggestions for STC should go to:

Society for Technical Communication
901 N. Stuart Street, Suite 904
Arlington VA 22203-1854

Q: How do STC and TECHWR-L relate?
A: They don't officially. Many STC members are on the list,
but most aren't. Many list subscribers are STC members,
but some aren't.

Q: Where do I send additions, corrections, and comments about
this posting?
A: To Eric, the listowner, of course. EJRAY -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU

Eric J. Ray
ejray -at- okway -dot- okstate -dot- edu
Technical Information Analyst
OSU Computer Center MS113
Oklahoma State University
Stillwater, OK 74078
Tel: 405/744-6301
Fax: 405/744-7861

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