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Subject:Re: Indexing Technical Manuals From:Sarah Mahoney <smahoney -at- U -dot- WASHINGTON -dot- EDU> Date:Mon, 23 Aug 1993 08:29:31 -0700
I recently subscribed to this list and have enjoyed the discussions so far.
I'm not currently a member of STC, but am interested in joining.
Does anyone have information about the Seattle Conference that
he/she could email, mail or FAX to me here at U.W.?
> Thanks to Chuck Banks for posting info on the Intercom article, "Indexing
> from the Desktop--One Writer's Method" along with Nancy Mulvany's
> well-written response. I'm a member of STC and ASI (American Society of
> Indexers), and I've developed and taught an Indexing Skills Workshop for
> technical writers.
> As Nancy said, the industry simply assumes that all writers are capable
> of producing a professional index. Unfortunately, many writers have not
> been trained in the art of indexing and, consequently, the indexes in many
> manuals are not as usable as they should be.
> In the ideal world, of course, the writer is the best person to create the
> index. However, in the practical world, if the writer does not possess
> professional indexing skills, a professional indexer should be contracted
> to develop the index.
> There are several professional indexers (myself included) who have
> software development and technical writing backgrounds. We are listed in
> The Register, an annual publication available from ASI.
> By the way, if any of you are planning to attend the STC Region 7
> conference in Seattle on November 12-13, I will be presenting a workshop
> on Indexing Skills for technical writers.
> Lori Lathrop
> Lathrop Media Services
> P.O. Box 808
> Georgetown, CO 80444
> INTERNET:76620 -dot- 456 -at- compuserve -dot- com