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Subject:Ooops! From:"Merrell, K.W. (8-294-7813)" <kmerrell -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 1 Dec 1993 10:06:46 PST
Okay, I-m seveerely chastized and whimpering from being lashed by
so many wet nudles. I don't recant, however, partly becuz I got
so many personal notes that agreed with my comments, and partly
becuz I'm not a recanting type of person. Also, I started a
wonderful discussion about a degree vs. no degree. And some
nice peaple welcumed me to the forum. My comments about gramer
and spelin are valid; I put them here becuz I wonder if potential
employers subscribe to dis forum and mite be looking at us as
potential hires. Hmmmmmm.
Many of you made comments about what I called my append (Append).
Some made comments about chunking, and one person asked me what
school I thought Shakespeare went to. Lots of you talked about
spell-checkers and the informality of this forum. I conseed
that the forim is stream-of-consciousness riting, and that perhaps
you don't have time to check yorselves. (I do not have a spell-check
program to use on the forum, but I am a natchural-borne grate speller.
And *I keep a dictionary very close by*.)
Ren't all these typoes annoyine? One nice philosopher answered me
with a comment, and I don't quote exactly: No wonder our programmers
seldom think of us as more than secretaries. Also, a person mentioned
"white noise" - how can a reviewer concentrate on the technical content
of your document when he or she is constantly catching typos or
other errors?
I've been a manager in another life, and I can't count all the resumes
I received that I tossed because of spelling errors, typos, bad
grammar. And many people who managed to get the resumes perfect botched
the hand-written application forms. I didn't want to hire anyone *for
a writing position* who couldn't manage a resume or job application!
I also was paid by my college (William & Mary)
to grade English papers and other student submissions (way back in
the 60s), when nearly everyone had to attend remedial programs in
their freshman year. When I returned to school in the 80s, I provided
free editing services for students. What was considered bad enough
to need remedying in the 60s is considered "A" quality now. Not
by me.........
So, your rite - I am picky and critikal and all those other things you
said, but gee whiz, gang, we as writers have to keep our standerds
hi. Look around you at the growing illiterasy in this kountry. I
am quite positive it are becuz we got too ez on ourselves and let
things go that shouldn't ought to hav bean let go.
I intend to keep appending to this forum when I can. Keep those
cards and letters coming, folks, and I'll try real hard not to be,
as someone called me, "pompous".