Re: Character names (Official ANSI/CCIT)

Subject: Re: Character names (Official ANSI/CCIT)
From: Steve Fouts <sfouts -at- ELLISON -dot- SC -dot- TI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 7 Dec 1993 09:44:20 CST

|} One of our customers had surprising names for two common characters (and
|} were upset when we wouldn't change our docs around to use these names):
|} * - splat
|} # - octothorpe (sp?)
|} We call them "star" and "pound" (though we use pound so infrequently, we
|} introduce it as "the pound symbol (#)" in each discussion it appears). This
|} customer was a local exchange carrier (telephone company) - note that these
|} two characters are the only symbols on your telephone keypad. Many other of
|} our customers are in the phone biz, and they all call these symbols "star"
|} and "pound".

Once again I will defer my answer to "The Jargon File, a Comprehensive
Compendium of Hacker Slang"


The pronunciation of `#' as `pound' is common in the U.S.
but a bad idea; {{Commonwealth Hackish}} has its own, rather more
apposite use of `pound sign' (confusingly, on British keyboards
the pound graphic
happens to replace `#'; thus Britishers sometimes
call `#' on a U.S.-ASCII keyboard `pound', compounding the
American error). The U.S. usage derives from an old-fashioned
commercial practice of using a `#' suffix to tag pound weights
on bills of lading. The character is usually pronounced `hash'
outside the U.S.


There is also a list (contained within the Jargon File) of Official
ANSI/CCIT pronunciation. They are as follows:

! <exclamation mark>

" <quotation marks>; <dieresis>

# <square>

$ <dollar sign>

% <percent sign>

& <ampersand>

' <apostrophe>; <closing single quotation
mark>; <acute accent>.

( ) <opening/closing parenthesis

* <asterisk>.

+ <plus>

, <comma>. Rare: <cedilla>

- <hyphen>; <minus>.

. <period>; <decimal point>

/ <slant>

: <colon>

; <semicolon

< > <less/great-er than>

= <equals>

? <question mark>

@ <commercial at>

[ ] <opening/closing bracket

\ <reverse slant>

^ <circumflex>.

_ <underline>

` <grave accent

{ } <opening/closing brace>.

<vertical line>

~ <tilde>

******************** Steve Fouts
* _ ___ * sfouts -at- ellison -dot- sc -dot- ti -dot- com
* ( |____| *
* _ /\ |\ _ * "There's too many flames, and so much to burn,
* / / \ _| \ \ * and life's only made of paper."
* ( * ) \/_|__* ) * --Ronald Padivona
* \_/ _/ \_/ * <Boilerplate disclaimer here>

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