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Subject:Re: Scientific Visualization From:Ad absurdum per aspera <JTCHEW -at- LBL -dot- GOV> Date:Thu, 9 Dec 1993 17:55:24 GMT
George Moncrief <moncrief -at- thumper -dot- wes -dot- army -dot- mil> writes on sci.research,
> I work for a scientific visualization center. We are at a point in
> our work where we are on the lookout for new ideas and directions
> in scientific visualization.
You'll probably be interested in Keller and Keller, _Visual
Cues: Practical Data Visualization_, just out from IEEE Press.
It's sort of an art book for scientists, showing over a hundred
renderings of concrete or abstract data from various fields and
explaining what was done to highlight the interesting aspects.
Highly recommended to scientists who do this sort of thing, and
perhaps useful to graphic artists and other technical
communication professionals as well.
Good luck, and followup to sci.research (unless you think c.g.v.
would welcome the discussion),
"Just another personal opinion from the People's Republic of Berkeley"