How does one plug into the Internet?

Subject: How does one plug into the Internet?
From: Ken d'Albenas <kendal -at- AUTOTROL -dot- CUC -dot- AB -dot- CA>
Date: Mon, 13 Dec 1993 16:04:00 MST

In each of our STC chapter's newsletters, I write
a few words about all the action on the Internet.
As a result, more and more members are interested
in signing on. But how?

Here in Alberta, I don't think we have Netcom, and
I'm real sure we don't have America On Line (sp?),
but I think there's Uunet, Compuserve, and of course
the local university.

If you work out of your home, how do you go about
plugging into the net from a PC clone or Mac?


Ken d'Albenas
Replies to: kendal -at- autotrol -dot- cuc -dot- ab -dot- ca
Flames to: someone else

Kiss me twice. I'm schizophrenic.


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