Re: How does one plug into the Internet?

Subject: Re: How does one plug into the Internet?
From: Kelly Hoffman <kelly -at- NASHUA -dot- HP -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Dec 1993 13:46:51 EST

> If you work out of your home, how do you go about
> plugging into the net from a PC clone or Mac?

An excellent resource for Mac users is _The_Internet_Starter_
Kit_for_Macintosh (aka TISK) by Adam Engst, published by Hayden
Books. I recommend it highly. For info, send email to
tisk -at- tidbits -dot- com -dot-

The book comes with just about all the software you need to connect
a Mac to the Internet, including MacTC and InterSLIP from InterCon,
plus an FTP client, a Gopher client, and a few other goodies I can't
recall off the top of my head.

The book also explains how to use this software :-) in clear,
easy-to-read prose, and it includes a free trial with Northwest
Nexus, an Internet provider in Washington State, so you can
actually practice what the book preaches. (You do get to pay
the phone charges, though.)

Dunno if anyone's done an equivalent for PC users.

Kelly K. Hoffman kelly -at- nashua -dot- hp -dot- com
Learning Products Engineer
Hewlett-Packard, Network Test Division "Reading the manual is
One Tara Blvd., Nashua, NH USA 03062 admitting defeat."

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