FW: Automated Mail Server Set up for FUNNE

Subject: FW: Automated Mail Server Set up for FUNNE
From: Paul Brady 5797 <PBrady -at- CHIPCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 21 Dec 1993 18:59:00 PST

Hi Everyone!

Just wanted to announce a new automated mail service for the FrameMaker
User's Network of New England (FUNNE). After proposing the idea, my internet
provider (The "World") has agreed to install and use a software package
called "MAJORDOMO". This is similar to the commonly used "LISTSERV"

Basically, subscriptions to the list are handled automatically. Those of you
who wish to add or remove yourself from the list may now do so any time and
you no longer have to wait for me to add you manually!! See the "welcome"
message below for more details!

>>>> info funne-list

Welcome to the funne-list mailing list!

If you ever want to remove yourself from this mailing list, send the
following command in email to "Majordomo -at- world -dot- std -dot- com":

unsubscribe funne-list


Commands in the "Subject:" line are NOT processed.



The FrameMaker's User Network of New England (FUNNE) is a user group
that meets every other month to discuss Frame functionality/issues. We
welcome suggestions for future meetings and invite you to post them to the
"funne-list -at- world -dot- std -dot- com". In addition, there is usually one keynote
speaker at each meeting. If you would like to volunteer to speak at a FUNNE
meeting, please send a detailed message to "pbrady -at- world -dot- std -dot- com".

The "funne-list -at- world -dot- std -dot- com" address is a general mailing list used for
members of FUNNE to ask questions about Frame, receive FUNNE meeting
announcements and meeting minutes, and comment on general user group issues.

The "majordomo -at- world -dot- std -dot- com" is an administrative list used solely
for administrative requests (For example, requesting that your name be added

or removed from the FUNNE mailing list.)

Note that the email name: "funne-list-request -at- world -dot- std -dot- com" is NO LONGER
VALID. If you send mail to this address you will receive an automated
message informing you of the new address and how to subscribe to the list.


In an effort to expand our organization, the FrameMaker User's Network of
New England (FUNNE) now has an anonymous FTP site. This site has archived
newsletters, meeting minutes, meeting announcements, dial-in BBS access
information, and miscellaneous FUNNE-related utilities and text files.

To access the FUNNE FTP archive enter "ftp world.std.com".

At the login prompt enter "anonymous" and enter your internet address when
prompted for a password (username -at- domain -dot- com -- e.g., jdoe -at- apple -dot- com).

Once you log in, cd to the /ftp/pub/funne-archive.


It is also possible to access FUNNE via modem. To do so, use the following
information supplied below:

BBS access: 508-478-1714 - 24hrs a day - 14.4 bps modem
login: funne-user, password:funne
Settings: 8-1-N

Once logged in, you may download the Macintosh or IBM PC settings files for
yourself or you can login using DOS on the PC or a VT100 compatible terminal

emulater on the Macintosh (for example, ZTerm, SmartCOM, etc....)

If you have any other issues (for example, problems accessing the BBS or
ideas about a new meeting topic), please feel free to call me at (508)
490-5797 24 hrs a day.

Thank you and Welcome to FUNNE!!



To subscribe to funne-list, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo -at- world -dot- std -dot- com":

subscribe funne-list

This will subscribe the account from which you send the message to
the funne-list list.

If you wish to subscribe another address instead (such as a local
redistribution list), you can use a command of the form:

subscribe funne-list other-address -at- your_site -dot- your_net


To unsubscribe from funne-list, send the following in the body (not
the subject line) of an email message to "Majordomo -at- world -dot- std -dot- com":

unsubscribe funne-list

This will unsubscribe the account from which you send the message.
If you are subscribed with some other address, you'll have to send
a command of the following form instead:

unsubscribe funne-list other-address -at- your_site -dot- your_net

If you don't know what address you are subscribed with, you can send
the following command to see who else is on the list (assuming that
information isn't designated "private" by the owner of the list):o

who funne-list

If you want to search non-privte lists at this server, you can do that
by sending a command like:

which string

This will return a list of all entries on all lists that contain "string".


To find out more about the automated server and the commands it
understands, send the following command to "Majordomo -at- world -dot- std -dot- com":


If you feel you need to reach a human, send email to

funne-list-approval -at- world -dot- std -dot- com


Paul Brady
Technical Writer
CHIPCOM Corporation
P: 508-490-5797
FAX: 508-460-8952

[Last updated Wed Dec 15 13:53:42 1993]

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