
Subject: Telecommuting
From: "Frank A. Saucier" <0004969358 -at- MCIMAIL -dot- COM>
Date: Sun, 30 Jan 1994 11:57:00 EST

Hi Gang,

I recently passed a copy of an article about Telecommuting around our
department. The worker bees thought is was a great idea, but the manager bees
proclaimed it nothing more than "interesting reading." Is there anyone out
there in TECHWR land who is Telecommuting? I'm really interested to the answers
to the following questions.

+ How often do you Telecommute in a month?

+ How long have you been Telecommuting?

+ What company do you work for?

+ What industry is your company in?

+ What type of work do you do?

+ In what part of the country do you live/work?

+ How far is it from home to work (miles and minutes)?

+ How would you get to work before you started Telecommuting?

+ Why did you start Telecommuting?

+ Did you suggest Telecommuting to your employer or was there a program already
in place?

+ If you suggested the idea, what information did you present to convince your

+ Is your option to Telecommute a company wide program or is it something your
specific department, group, or boss lets you do?

+ What type of equipment do you use to Telecommute (desktop computer, portable
computer, fax, phone, modem, multiple phone lines, pager, portable phone,...)

+ Was the equipment you use to Telecommute provided by your employer?

+ What did it cost to set you up for Telecommuting?

+ Do you know how much you are saving the company by Telecommuting (time,

+ Have you had any problems/difficulties?

Any information you have time to provide would be greatly appreciated.


Frank Saucier
Worker Bee No.11
496-9358 -at- mcimail -dot- com

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