Filenaming conventions

Subject: Filenaming conventions
From: "Bob Stromberg, MVS/JES Information Development" <stromberg -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 17 Mar 1994 16:46:31 EST


I like the more extensive file naming convention, because I feel the
need to distinguish between products. I would also avoid using chapter
numbers in the file name, because Chapter 4 might later become another
chapter number, or an appendix, or be re-used in another book.
I would use something like INT for introduction, HDW for hardware
requirements, PGM for program requirements, etc.

(I've also gotten used to very short abbreviations.)

Bob Stromberg, MVS/JES Information Development, IBM Corporation
Phone: (914) 296-6158 or IBM tie-line 8/296-6158
IBM Mail: USIB2FZL Internet: stromberg -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com

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