Re: Information retrieval systems for online Doc

Subject: Re: Information retrieval systems for online Doc
From: Janet Valade <jvalade -at- JUPITER -dot- CALSTATELA -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 29 Mar 1994 19:59:54 -0600

In-Reply-To: Information retrieval systems fo, From: Deb Carnegie <deb -at- s


>I'm currently researching online documentation technology options for my
>company and was wondering if anyone had any experience using (or
>researching) information retrieval systems, such as Verity or Fulcrum.

>Thanks for any thoughts-

>Debra Carnegie
>Symbologic Corporation
>internet: deb -at- symbologic -dot- com

I create and maintain TOPIC (Verity) databases here. Since
I have never used another documentation manager, I can't offer much in terms
of comparisons. But if you have some questions, I could probably answer them.

jvalade -at- calstatela -dot- edu

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