AHD College vs. 3rd

Subject: AHD College vs. 3rd
From: Mike Christie <mikec -at- SYNTEL -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 11 Apr 1994 08:54:21 PDT

David Lowe asks about the American Heritage college edition vs. the Third.
Do you have a colege edition of the original AHD (copyright early 1970's) or
of the AHD second (copyright 1986 or so, and marked Second Edition)?
If you have the second, throw it out immediately and requisition the Third.
The second was fraught with sloppy scholarship and inadequate definitions
and was generally panned.
The first was quite solid and the college edition based on the first still
holds its own. It is, however, rather out of date and the editord of the
third did do quite a good job of updating usage and adding new words. So
even here, I think its still worth the expense of upgrading to the Third.

Mike Christie
Technical Writer
Syntelligence Systems, Inc
mikec -at- syntel -dot- com
(OR mchristi -at- netcom -dot- com)

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