Re: Corel Ventura

Subject: Re: Corel Ventura
From: "Barbara J. Philbrick" <burkbrick -at- AOL -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 26 Apr 1994 17:41:53 EDT

> I am a longtime Ventura user, and I currently have the latest
> Windows version (I think it's 4.1.1). I haven't been able to find
> out much about Corel Ventura in comparison to my version, and
> I wonder:

> -Is it worth upgrading?

For the price (I picked up CorelDraw & Corel Ventura on an upgrade offer),
it's worth it. It does have some enhancements. For example, it's finally
adhering to more Windows conventions, such as replacing blocked typed.

I haven't had a lot of time with Corel Ventura yet, but I'm just starting a
project that will use most of Ventura's features. So far, about all I've done
is import an old (DOS/GEM) Ventura file into it and make some minor
modifications. That went smoothly. In about a month I should have a better
idea of how it works. If you're still looking by then, remind me to tell you
how it's going!

You're right - I couldn't find much on Xerox Ventura vs Corel Ventura when I
was looking at it. Is anybody else still using it? Several of my clients are
going to Word for Windows 6.0. :-(

HTH! - Barb

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