Initial Caps

Subject: Initial Caps
From: "Vollbach, Elizabeth" <evollbach -at- CCLINK -dot- LOGICON -dot- COM>
Date: Fri, 29 Apr 1994 09:33:12 PST

Yes, some writers do play fast and loose with initial caps. In my
experience, they weren't really writer's, though, but
engineers/programmers/analysts who figured that since they can speak
English, they can write it. It was an easy problem to fix where I
used to work. I was a technical editor there. So I just lowercased
half the caps, and all was well. That is, with one exception, an
engineer with two masters degrees and a doctorate. He capped any word
he felt was important and was very insulted and insulting when I
lowercased. But I was the peon, so He always Won.

So what is a tech writer to do? Here's what I do: I do it right,
myself, and just feel superior to all the fools who don't. :)


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