Documentation designers

Subject: Documentation designers
From: burgamw1 <burgamw1 -at- TEOMAIL -dot- JHUAPL -dot- EDU>
Date: Wed, 22 Jun 1994 10:56:57 EST

Gary Bastoky asked if anyone has had any experience working with documentation
designers. I have.

We don't produce manuals, but we do produce what we call "fact sheets," which
are 2-page (both sides of one sheet) documents that give information about
specific programs we're working on. The team working on fact sheets always
includes a designer/illustrator (we have several in house). We have
specifications for the fact sheets, but within those specifications there's
lots of room for creativity in the layout. I like working with a designer. I
get to do what I do best--the words, and the designer does what she or he does
best--the layout and graphics. Of course, I have input into the design; the
documents are team efforts. In addition, the customer (usually an in-house
program manager) has to sign off on the finished piece. It works well here.

Murrie Burgan, JHU Applied Physics Laboratory
burgamw1 -at- teomail -dot- jhuapl -dot- edu

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