Re: Arlen's Address

Subject: Re: Arlen's Address
From: "Arlen P. Walker" <Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- CORE -dot- CORP -dot- JCI -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 6 Sep 1994 08:29:33 -0500

>Arlen is well aware that the said address as given does not work. Several
>of you have in the past have complained about this. I will not keep in
>character with Arlen with the implications of the other charges.
>I only differ.

Intriguing, isn't it, that so many of you seem to have no problem getting
mail to me (indeed the list seems to reach me quite well) yet this person
seems not able to. I guess he has as much trouble spelling my name in the
address as he does in his messages. Yes, other people have complained about
it, and I posted why it doesn't work (I don't have any control over what
goes out in my mail headers -- they're rewritten on the way out of our
site) and what does work, but apparently that explanation went over his
head.Either that or he can't comprehend my signature block. In either case,
it doesn't matter. The .sig block address works, because everyone else who
has complained I have since heard from, telling me so.

Sorry to waste the bandwidth on this, but it appears that once again we
have someone who wants to respond to me without taking the time to read the
message he's responding to. People, read the signature block and use that
address. It works; I have lots of evidence that it does. (Of course in
Robert's case it won't help, because this last piece of ineptitude from him
has earned the "delete w/o reading" award.)

Have Fun,

Arlen -dot- P -dot- Walker -at- jci -dot- com >>> Use this return address!!!!
IN GOD WE TRUST --- All others must provide data

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