Re: publicity

Subject: Re: publicity
From: "Westra, Kayla L." <13718westr -at- KCPBLDG01 -dot- BV -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 7 Sep 1994 12:51:00 CDT

>My question is: has the publicity problem been solved in the US? Do people
>in general know that the profession exists? Do students in secondary
>know about it? If they are aware of the profession, how has this come

I came from a small town/rural area, so I wasn't aware of all the
opportunities available to me. However, my college had a tech. writing
degree, so it was recognized and respected. One thing that always puzzled
me was how separate it was from my track (English Education). I didn't take
any courses that overlapped majors (but some of the Tech. Writers took Lit.

>Simply sending flyers
>to secondary schools does not help - I don't think the students ever see

I agree, but personal visits are a great help. I've gotten to speak at a
local community college to writers, and as a former teacher, I can say that
it was tremendously helpful to have people come in and talk about their
careers. One school I was at dedicated a whole day for this endeavor (it
was a junior high). Make a few contacts, and get them young!

BTW--Heading to England for two weeks in October. Looking forward to the
mental break!

Kayla Westra
Black & Veatch
13718westr -at- kcpbldg01 -dot- bv -dot- com
"Illa est causa mea, et ad eam haeso."

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