New Journal

Subject: New Journal
From: Elaine Winters <ewinters -at- NETCOM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 8 Sep 1994 14:50:46 -0700

(ISSN 1077-114X)



The Asia-Pacific EXchange (Electronic) Journal editorial team invites you
to submit articles for its November 1994 issue, which will be made
available over the InterNet at ftp, gopher, and WWW sites. Please see the
list of section editors for the appropriate contact person. If you're
submitting an article on a topic that does not seem to fit into any of the
sections, please send it to Jim Shimabukuro <JamesS -at- Hawaii -dot- edu>.

APEX-J is an outgrowth of the electronic forum, APEX-L. The purpose of
the list is to promote international and multicultural education on
college campuses, with a special focus on Asian and Pacific curricula,
instructional strategies, educational resources, and campus/community
activities. As a refereed, cross-disciplinary journal, APEX-J serves as a
medium for articles on multicultural, international topics, trends, and
issues that are pertinent to educators at the college level. The team of
section and consulting editors is international, and they represent a wide
variety of disciplines and interests. The journal is published three times
a year: March, July, November.

We are also interested in publishing your reviews, opinion pieces, essays,
announcements, and letters in the unrefereed section of the journal.
Submissions for the refereed portion should follow either the APA or MLA
guidelines. Submissions and inquiries should be emailed to one of the
section editors:


Frank Adams, EdD
Editor, Secondary Education
Wayne State College <fadams -at- wscgate -dot- wsc -dot- edu>
Stephen J. Anderson, PhD
Editor, Japan's Role in the Pacific
International U of Japan <sja -at- glocom -dot- ac -dot- jp>
Kumiko Aoki, PhD candidate
Editor, CMC and Intercultural Communication
U of Hawaii-Manoa <kaoki -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Francis Auburn, LLB, PhD
Editor, International Law
U of Western Australia <fauburn -at- ecel -dot- uwa -dot- edu -dot- au>
Michelle Macaraeg Bautista, College student
Editor, Filipino Affairs
U of California-Berkeley <micmac74 -at- uclink -dot- berkeley -dot- edu>
Larry G. Beall, PhD
Editor, Economics
Virginia Commonwealth U <LBEALL -at- cabell -dot- vcu -dot- edu>
Zane L. Berge, PhD, & (Ms) Mauri P. Collins, PhD candidate
Professional Development
Georgetown U <berge -at- GUVAX -dot- acc -dot- georgetown -dot- edu>
Penn State U <mauri -at- cac -dot- psu -dot- edu>
Daniel D. Blaine, PhD
Editor, Research in Learning and Cognition
U of Hawaii-Manoa <daniel -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Henry B. Chapin, PhD
Editor, Asian-Pacific Literature
U of Hawaii-West Oahu <chapin -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Janice Cook, PhD candidate
Editor, Second Language Teaching/Learning
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <Cook -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Morton Cotlar, PhD
Editor, International Management
U of Hawaii-Manoa <morton -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Robert Franco, PhD
Editor, Samoa
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <BFranco -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Robin Fujikawa, PhD [send email to <JamesS -at- Hawaii -dot- edu>]
Editor, Philosophy and Religion
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC
James W. King, EdD
Editor, Agriculture
U of Nebraska-Lincoln <AGCM009 -at- UNLVM -dot- UNL -dot- edu>
Peter Lau, PhD
Editor, Affirmative Action/Equal Opportunity
U of California-Riverside <72460 -dot- 3000 -at- CompuServe -dot- com>
Julian Linnell, PhD candidate
Editor, Chinese Affairs
U of Pennsylvania <jlinnell -at- sas -dot- upenn -dot- edu>
Dennis McConnell, DBA
Editor, Education in the Formerly Socialist States
U of Maine <mac -at- maine -dot- maine -dot- edu>
Kenneth Meehan, PhD
Editor, Higher Education
U of Hawaii-CC <meehan -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
John E. Myers, PhD
Editor, Fine and Performing Arts
Simon's Rock College <john -at- ABEL -dot- simons-rock -dot- edu>
Som Naidu, PhD
Editor, Open and Distance Learning
U of Southern Queensland <NAIDU -at- usq -dot- edu -dot- au>
Patricia Ortiz, MA
Editor, Book Reviews
Mesa CC <20517 -at- ef -dot- mc -dot- maricopa -dot- edu>
Louise Pagotto, PhD
Editor, Micronesia
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <pagotto -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
B. Frederique Samuel, PhD candidate
Editor, Cross-Cultural Conflict Resolution
Purdue U <BFSamuel -at- VM -dot- cc -dot- Purdue -dot- edu>
Syd Strong, PhD
Editor, Adult and Vocational Education
U of Melbourne <SydStr -at- EREbus -dot- HIE -dot- UNImelb -dot- edu -dot- au>
Michelle Sturges, MLIS
Editor, Library
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <sturges -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Claudia Sullivan, EdD
Editor, Reading
Nanyang Technological U <SullivanC -at- AM -dot- NIE -dot- AC -dot- SG>
Michael K. Tagawa, MA
Editor, Geography
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <tagawa -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Hiro Toyota, PhD student
Editor, Cross-National Marriages
U of Nebraska-Lincoln <HToyota -at- UNLinfo -dot- unl -dot- edu>
Addison Watanabe, PhD
Editor, Disabilities: Programs and Studies
San Francisco State U <spedad -at- sfsuvax1 -dot- sfsu -dot- edu>

Luis Ma. R. Calingo, MBA, PhD
International Management
Nanyang Technological U, Singapore <ALUIS -at- NTUVAX -dot- NTU -dot- AC -dot- SG>
Filip J.R.C. Dochy, PhD
Assessment & Evaluation Technologies
U of Heerlen, The Netherlands <OICFDO -at- OUH -dot- NL>
Shuqin Guo, PhD student
Education in China; TESL; Reading
U of Iowa <SGUO -at- blue -dot- weeg -dot- uiowa -dot- edu>
Jonathon Marsh, PhD candidate
Professional Development; Educational Technology
Hong Kong U <JPMarsh -at- HKUCC -dot- HKU -dot- hk>
Ken Martin, PhD
Adult Ed, Comparative Ed, Higher Ed, Business Ed, C&I
U of Cincinnati <Ken -dot- Martin -at- UC -dot- edu
Fred O'Neal, PhD
Computer & Multimedia Technologies for Education
Josten's Learning Corp. <fred -at- halcyon -dot- com>
Jane K. Po, MA, MFA
Philippine Culture
UC Santa Cruz, UC Berkeley <onejap -at- netcom -dot- com>
David W. Price, PhD candidate
Adult & Continuing Ed; Higher Ed; Community Development
U of Missouri - Columbia <C300151 -at- mizzou1 -dot- missouri -dot- edu>
Lalita Rajasingham, PhD
Applications of Information Technology to Society
U of Wellington <Comms-Studies -at- VUW -dot- AC -dot- NZ>
Celia Richardson, EdD student
International and Comparative Education
U of Toronto <richac -at- southport -dot- on -dot- ca>
Jianhua Yang, MA, ABD
Business Management; Economic/Trade Reform
U of Utah <jianhua -dot- yang -at- EMCB -dot- cc -dot- utah -dot- edu>
Donald G. Zarlengo, PhD
Academic & Administrative Computing
Eastern New Mexico U - Portales <Zarlengo -at- netcom -dot- com>

Jim Shimabukuro, EdD
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <JamesS -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Bert Kimura, PhD
Associate Editor
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <Bert -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Jenny Chan, BA
Assistant Editor
U of Hawaii <Jenny -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>
Kenwrick Chan, EdM
Technical Editor
U of Hawaii-Kapiolani CC <kchan -at- UHunix -dot- UHcc -dot- Hawaii -dot- edu>

If you don't receive a message confirming receipt of your submission
within 2-3 days, write to Jim Shimabukuro. (Some of the section editors
may be on leave and unable to retrieve their messages.)

The submissions should be in electronic format: standard ASCII, 60-65
characters per line. Single-spaced. Paragraphs should be separated by a
blank line (double carriage returns). Maximum Length: approximately 5,000
to 10,000 words. (Longer submissions may be considered.) Either the MLA or
the APA style sheet should be followed.

The author should include an abstract of the article and a brief (ca.
six lines) bio, which includes academic degrees, institutional
affiliations, discipline/department roles, as well as other information
that may be useful to the readers of the journal. The bio may need to be
revised for uniformity.

**************** Call for Editors and Columnists ***************

Please write to Jim <JamesS -at- Hawaii -dot- edu) if you're interested in serving as
A SECTION EDITOR for a particular area that's not listed above, e.g.,
dance, religion, rhetoric

A COLUMNIST on a topic of your choice

A CONSULTING EDITOR in your areas of interest and expertise
(consulting editors will have the opportunity to review submitted

Please include a brief bio with your message.

E. Winters: Principal Program Facilitating and Consulting
Instructional Design * Interactivity * Cross - Cultural Communication

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