Re[4]: John Benbow

Subject: Re[4]: John Benbow
From: Virginia Krenn <asdxvlk -at- OKWAY -dot- OKSTATE -dot- EDU>
Date: Tue, 27 Sep 1994 08:29:00 CDT

Or the one when Sir Feghoot (during a rainstorm on a distant planet)
asked to borrow a giant dog to ride to the next town and was told by
the innkeeper, "I wouldn't send a knight out on a dog like this."

Although the name Feghoot is copyrighted, an organization that I
belong to was granted permission to use the name when printing these
kinds of stories in its monthly newsletters.


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Author: Richard Mateosian <srm -at- c2 -dot- org> at SMTP

>Has anyone on this list ever heard of a Feghoot?

Back in the 1950s I used to wait eagerly for my copy of the Magazine of
Fantasy and Science Fiction (F&SF to its readers) to arrive in the mail.
Often it would contain a story of about a page in length under the generic
title of Through Space and Time with Ferdinand Feghoot. They were elaborate
buildups to spoonerisms, like the furry with the syringe on top or Tree Stan
undersold. ...RM

Richard Mateosian Technical Writer in Berkeley CA srm -at- c2 -dot- org

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