Schools & Technology

Subject: Schools & Technology
From: Cynthia Schwartz <cynthia_schwartz -at- M1MAIL -dot- SBI -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 28 Sep 1994 10:32:18 U

Subject: Time: 10:32 AM
OFFICE MEMO Schools & Technology Date: 9/28/94
This is not a tech writer's issue, but I'm looking for direction, testimonials,
and references. My apologies for cluttering up this listserv. Delete if
you're not interested in the topic. Please respond directly to
cschwartz -at- sbi -dot- com if you have advice or information.

I am on the technology planning committee for my son's school and for our town.

1. I'm looking to contact public school systems (K-12) that are innovative
users of technology in the classroom.

2. Does anyone know of a listserv for technology and education?

3. Our town is embarking on a mission to create an *electronic village." Does
anyone know of any towns that have done this or are planning something like
this? (It involves linking the home, school, and town resources
electronically, including town hall and the library).

Thanks in advance for your responses. Again, I apologize for cluttering the
list and will take comments offline.

Cynthia Schwartz

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