Using a keyboard over the mouse

Subject: Using a keyboard over the mouse
From: Michael Andrew Uhl <"uhl~m%a1.usa.umc"@MAILGATE.GLAXO.COM>
Date: Thu, 29 Sep 1994 14:55:01 -0400

[This message is converted from WPS-PLUS to ASCII]

You can tell a real power user by how infrequently they use the
mouse, how wildly different their interface looks from everyone
else's--because they've customized it to the nth degree--and by
the mysterious way they can press a few keys and have their
computer perform multiple tasks automatically (macro power).

Microsoft Word for Windows is poor for producing large or complex
documents, compared to Interleaf and FrameMaker, but WordBasic
makes it a heckuvalot of fun to use.

Word 6.0a brings out the real geek in me.

-Mike Uhl (uhl~m -at- glaxo -dot- com)
Glaxo Inc. Research Institute
Research Triangle Park, NC

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