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Subject:Re: Sam Clemens is dead From:Romay Jean Sitze <rositze -at- NMSU -dot- EDU> Date:Mon, 3 Oct 1994 12:52:13 -0600
I share this opinion. At the rate things are going, even with today's
technology, I will need a room full of memory just to hold all the online
documentation to tell me how to run my programs! As far as I am
concerned, it make no difference whether the documentation is online or
printed, if it is too long, it becomes self-defeating. I vote for
emphasizing the important things, and keeping the rest as simple as
possible. Of course, I admit there is a problem in determining the
important things. . .
Or are we all asking for the moon?
On Mon, 3 Oct 1994, Vicki Rosenzweig wrote:
> Richard--
> It sounds to me that your argument, when it's valid (and I think
> it depends on the complexity of the software) is going to apply
> equally to online documentation: if you can't include it in
> 1000 pages of nine-point type, can you include it in the amount
> of disk space that you have time to fill before the product ships?
> And can you fit it on the laptop they'll give me for my next
> business trip? At that point, I think our goal has to be to provide
> the most important information, and get the software developers to
> make the software as easy to use as possible, since such a program
> can only be learned hands-on.
> Vicki Rosenzweig
> vr%acmcr -dot- uucp -at- murphy -dot- com
> New York, NY
* RoMay Sitze rositze -at- nmsu -dot- edu *
* Mirrors should reflect a *
* little before throwing *
* back images. *
* -Jean Cocteau- *