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Subject:WP vs Word From:John Sheridan Smith <John -at- SHERIDAN -dot- DEMON -dot- CO -dot- UK> Date:Sun, 9 Oct 1994 22:57:02 +0000
I have used WP 5.2, 6.0 and 6.0 at work. I now use WP 5.2 and Word 6.0.
I still use 5.2 because I have found conversion problems between 5.2 docs
and 6.0.
One of the biggest problems I find in this whole business is that
software producers claims about conversion between any major wordprocessors
are alsmost wholly false. ASCII is OK but anything else in a commercial
environment where buggering about time is not available - forget it.
Whoever authorised the release of WP6.0 should be sentenced to 20 years
at a Barry Manilow concert. Whoever thought 6.0a would put things right
has probably *spent* 20 years at a Barry Manilow concert. The mega screw ups
have gone but that just brings it down to the usual level of overpriced, bug
laden word processors. Also, I have never known any piece of text/graphic
software have such an obscene appetite for ram or virtual memory. I don't
think my hard disk could stand the pounding that WP6.0a gives out in the
absence of 100Mb of RAM.
When I have finished my current project on WP5.2 I shall junk WP for ever.
I shall then have to put up with half-hour document repaginations in Word.
I do have a specific question on a bug in Word 6.0.:
When I insert frames on successive landscape pages, the 2nd, 3rd etc frames
overlay themselves on the 1st. I cannot get them to stay on their respective
pages. This applies when I creat a frame on each page, cut and paste between
pages and even when I insert a file containing a single page and a single
frame. I have been reduced to creating a separate document for each page.
Does anyone have any ideas?
Yours in antictipation of the next version of Ami Pro.
* John Sheridan Smith * Try everything once except incest and *
* Technical Author * folk dancing. *
* Cardiff *************************************************************