Re: "Y'all" usage at MIT

Subject: Re: "Y'all" usage at MIT
From: Sally Marquigny <SALLYM -at- MSMAILHQ -dot- NETIMAGE -dot- COM>
Date: Mon, 24 Oct 1994 10:02:00 PDT

I beg to differ, Sue. I had a very proper Virginia gentleman neighbor who
used "y'all" with individuals when he was on family-like terms with them. I
later found this to be the norm with true southerners, especially
Virginians. The "all y'all" usage is therefore necessary at times, as
redundant as it might seem to damnyankees--er, I mean Nawthunahs ;) I have
heard and used "all y'all" plenty. It also comes in handy when you want to
distinguish between a part of a group & all the group: "Are all y'all going
to the steeplechase races or are some of y'all staying here?"

Sally Marquigny Network Imaging Systems
sallym -at- msmailhq -dot- netimage -dot- com Herndon, VA
To: Multiple recipients of list TECHWR-L
Subject: Re: "Y'all" usage at MIT
Date: Monday, October 24, 1994 9:37AM

>>I understand that the plural of "Y'all" is "All y'awl."<<

No, darlin'. "Y'all" *is* the plural. For one person, we southerners
generally say "you." We find it a useful word for that purpose. ;-)
suepstewrt -at- aol -dot- com

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