FWD: We all have our buttons

Subject: FWD: We all have our buttons
From: "Bob Lord, DTN 522-6614," <lord -at- CXCAD -dot- ENET -dot- DEC -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 26 Oct 1994 10:04:19 PDT

Subj: FWD: amusing language flames
Subj: Such language!!!! :-)
Subj: amusing language flames (fwd)

---------- Forwarded message ----------
(forwards removed)

>From the Letters to the Editor of the Dublin (Ireland) _The Sunday
Independent_ (as reprinted in _The New Republic_, Oct. 24, 1994):

I was shocked by the language of Molly McAnailly Burke's
piece on lesbian rockers, and your allowing it in a family newspaper.
The offending phrase "five writhing beauties hot for each other" should
be "five writhing beauties hot for one another," since *each other*
applies only to two.
--Sean O'Brien, Rathfarnham, D14

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