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Subject:Job Announcement From:R Waddell <cwaddell -at- MTU -dot- EDU> Date:Sat, 29 Oct 1994 22:12:43 -0400
> The Department of Humanities invites applications for a position
> in Scientific and Technical Writing/Communication at the junior
> or senior level to begin August 1995. Tenure-track; Ph.D.
> completed; salary negotiable. Preferred research backgrounds
> include writing in scientific and technical disciplines,
> technical communication in industry, history of technical/
> scientific texts, rhetoric of science and technology, or GTA
> education in technical writing. We also welcome strengths in
> such areas as research methods (especially historical or
> empirical/quantitative), environmental communication, computer
> mediated communication, ethics and technical communication, or
> visual and graphic communication. Practical experience in
> public, private, or nonprofit sectors highly desired. Candidates
> from underrepresented groups especially welcome.
> The Department of Humanities includes the disciplines of
> rhetoric, composition, communication, literature, languages,
> linguistics, philosophy, and psychology. We offer BS and BA
> degrees in Scientific and Technical Communication, BA degrees in
> interdisciplinary Liberal Arts and English, and MS and PhD
> degrees in an interdisciplinary Rhetoric and Technical
> Communication program.
> Send letter of application, vita, and three letters of
> recommendation to Craig Waddell, Chair, Scientific and Technical
> Communication Search Committee, Department of Humanities,
> Michigan Technological University, 1400 Townsend Drive, Houghton,
> MI 49931-1295. Send e-mail inquiries to cwaddell -at- mtu -dot- edu with
> "STC Search" as the subject line. Screening of applicants begins
> November 15; applications accepted until position is filled.
> Interviews at MLA, NCTE, SCA, and CPTSC. MTU is an Equal
> Opportunity Educational Institution/Equal Opportunity Affirmative
> Action Employer.
> --
> Craig Waddell
> Department of Humanities
> Michigan Technological University
> 1400 Townsend Drive
> Houghton, MI 49931-1295
> cwaddell -at- mtu -dot- edu
Craig Waddell
Department of Humanities
Michigan Technological University
1400 Townsend Drive
Houghton, MI 49931-1295
cwaddell -at- mtu -dot- edu