Redesigning BS/BA Degrees in Tech and Prof Comm

Subject: Redesigning BS/BA Degrees in Tech and Prof Comm
From: Johndan Johnson-Eilola <johndan -at- SAGE -dot- CC -dot- PURDUE -dot- EDU>
Date: Sun, 30 Oct 1994 16:09:55 EST

For those of you in academic programs in technical/professional

The Undergraduate Professional Writing Program at Purdue University
is revising its curriculum. Along with input from industry and
business (and our own students and alumni) we're gathering
material on other professional and technical communication
programs to help us in our rethinking.

If possible, could you send (or have sent to me) materials from the
undergraduate professional/technical communication program at your
own school? This would include both BS/BA programs specifically in
professional/technical communication as well as degrees in broader areas
(English, Journalism, etc.) that have formal concentrations in
professional/technical communication. We're particularly interested
in specific course descriptions and checklists of overall course
requirements for the degree. Like most programs, we've found the
input from other schools extremely valuable.

Thanks for your help.

- Johndan Johnson-Eilola, PhD voice: 317/494-0367
Department of English fax: 317/494-3780
Purdue University email: johndan -at- sage -dot- cc -dot- purdue -dot- edu
West Lafayette, IN 47907-1356

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