
Subject: presentations
From: Sherri Hall <shall -at- HILCO -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 10 Jan 1995 10:59:58 CST

We've heard much good advice about dealing with presentation nerves.
To it I add three things:

1. Do everything possible to relax before the presentation.
Slouch in your chair; stare out the window at a calm scene;
close your eyes and listen to soft music; do
whatever works for you. The earlier tip about wearing
comfortable clothes--that allows you to breathe deeply--is
very important.

2. Study the style of someone you admire. I find I enjoy
speakers with a casual attitude, especially in the
classroom, who sit on a desk, ask for input from
the listeners as a part of the lecture, etc. My point is it
didn't come easy for the person you admire--so figure out
how s/he became so good at what s/he does and copy it (or
improve on it). Politicians and ministers are usually good models,
(no matter what your political or religious beliefs are).

Sherri Hall * "No passion in the world is equal to the passion
shall -at- hilco -dot- com * to alter someone else's draft." H.G. Wells

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