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Subject:Attending Internet World Conference Worthwhile? From:Theresa Norton <THERESAN -at- WPO -dot- JHPIEGO -dot- ORG> Date:Wed, 25 Jan 1995 13:03:10 -0500
I would like to hear from anyone who has attended, or knows someone
who has attended, one of the Internet World conferences (managed by
Mecklermedia). I am trying to come up to speed on the in's and out's of
setting up and maintaining a world wide web (which I need to do in the
somewhat near future). I am considering attending the April Internet
World conference as one step in my information collection. Would this be
worthwhile? Also, does anyone know what kind of information on the
Internet will be included in the next Interop conference? (The last
question is from our system administrator.)
Theresa Norton
(A Johns Hopkins Program for International Education in Reproductive
theresan -at- wpo -dot- jhpiego -dot- org