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Re: Are User Surveys the best approach for defining your audienc
Subject:Re: Are User Surveys the best approach for defining your audienc From:"John M. Gear" <catalyst -at- PACIFIER -dot- COM> Date:Wed, 1 Feb 1995 17:58:00 PST
Ooops, sorry this is late, but it should be added:
A book that is simultaneously a pleasure to read, is a good example
of excellent technical writing, comes packed with clear insights, and is
full of useful ideas for technical communicators is
"The Art of Asking Questions" by Stanley L. Payne
(1951, Princeton U. Press, ISBN 0-691-09394-0; 13th hardcover ed. 1980).
This pertains particularly to the question about doing surveys. However
this little gem would also merit consideration for the Top 10 Books for
Technical Communicators, or at least for a category prize.