OS/2 help to Macintosh: tools for conversion?

Subject: OS/2 help to Macintosh: tools for conversion?
From: Claudia Hunter <claudia_hunter -at- VNET -dot- IBM -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 2 Feb 1995 17:36:08 PST

Dear TECHWR-L Members:

I'm posting this inquiry for a colleague:

Does anyone know of conversion tools that port OS/2 IPF or
Windows RTF help to Macintosh?

He's heard of XVT, which apparently exports to the Mac platform,
but his developers won't be using it (I don't know the reason).

I searched the TECHWR-L archives, but apparently we've only
discussed conversion from Mac to RTF, not the other way.

You can answer me directly, so we don't clog up the list.
If I get any answers, I'll be glad to summarize here.

Thanks in advance,
Claudia M. Hunter
Technical Writer
IBM Corp., Santa Teresa Laboratory, 555 Bailey Avenue, San Jose, CA 95141
(518) 371-2739 (remote access from Albany, NY)
Internet: Claudia_Hunter -at- vnet -dot- ibm -dot- com

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