Re: Paperless

Subject: Re: Paperless
From: "Robert E. Allen" <re_allen -at- PNL -dot- GOV>
Date: Mon, 6 Feb 1995 20:28:24 GMT

In article <Pine -dot- SUN -dot- 3 -dot- 91 -dot- 950129103534 -dot- 7573C-100000 -at- eskimo -dot- com>,
Timothy Schablin <timothy -at- eskimo -dot- com> says:

> So energy isn't necessarily needed to make paper

>( Think about the pyramids. What would it take to build one today. The
>Egyptions built them with no energy. )

Energy was needed for both paper making and pyramid building. Since
electrical energy wasn't available, other forms were substituted.
Animal & human muscle, waterwheels, fire--probably some others too;
I don't know that much about the processes. Electrical energy does seem
a neater, less messy way to transport and use energy than the other


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