So what do you do with SOCIAL sciences?

Subject: So what do you do with SOCIAL sciences?
From: Gretchen Toth <TOTHGL -at- CNSVAX -dot- UWEC -dot- EDU>
Date: Fri, 10 Feb 1995 09:30:51 -0600

Hello, hello-

Gregg Roberts just asked me how I will be using my background in Psychology
with Technical Writing. I figured that once I get out into the "real world" it
wouldn't do much for me, except that I could say "well I wrote stuff" and "I
did a two-factor ANOVA one time."

Is there anyone who has had a background in the SOCIAL sciences who would share
how they have used that background or share how that background may actually be
sought by an employer?

Gretchen L. Toth
University of WI- Eau Claire
Psychology/Technical Writing
tothgl -at- uwec -dot- edu

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