Subject: Re: A WASTE OF TIME
From: Scott Browne <sbrowne -at- UNICOMP -dot- NET>
Date: Wed, 1 Mar 1995 14:56:55 -0600

I am sorry that you feel this way about the Tech Writer's list. However,
it is my feeling that this is the purpose of the Subject line and the
Delete key.

I probably do not even read half of the messages posted to this list
simply because the subject line doesn't interest me. That is perhaps
akin to judging a book by its cover, but that is my choice. If the
subject of a post doesn't look interesting to me, I delete it.

At the same time, I find a small bit of wasted time helps lighten up a
busy day. I will *always* take the time to read a post with HUMOR in the
Subject line.

And, if for some reason I have not checked my mail for 3 or 4 days, I am
quite likely to delete *all* messages without a second glance rather than
take the time to find ones that may be relevent or interesting to me.

In short, if I think it is a waste of *my* time, I don't read the
message. But someone else may not feel it is a waste of *their* time.

Happy Surfing,

Scott Browne
Greenleaf Software

"Choose your friends carefully. Your enemies will choose you!"

On Wed, 1 Mar 1995, Judy Boyd [ESRI-Redlands] wrote:


> Two observations of a new subscriber (one day):

> 1. This is a very busy list.
> 2. About half the messages are a total waste of my time.

> I find it irritating to open a messages that says, "Hang in there, buddy."
> This type of message should have been sent to the guy that was looking
> for sympathy, not to the entire list.

> I subscribe to only one other list. People there post messages
> (usually questions) to the list and responses are sent to the person
> who made the inquiry. A summary of the responses is posted to the
> list (IF the result might be of some help to another subscriber).

> Two questions from a new subscriber:

> 1. Is this a professional discussion list or a chat group?
> 2. Am I the only one that thinks there is a problem?

> Disappointed,
> jboyd -at- esri -dot- com

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