Technology in the creative indus

Subject: Technology in the creative indus
From: Quipmail -at- AOL -dot- COM
Date: Sat, 4 Mar 1995 17:10:48 -0500

QuiP Institute, a computer graphics education company, is in the process of
producing a television/video series on how computer technology is used in the
creative industry (i.e., advertising agencies, corporate communications,
publishing, film making, etc.)

The goal for this program is two-fold: 1) to air it in syndication or on PBS,
thereby making it available to the general public and 2) to make it available
in VHS format to any college, university and library as an educational
resource ALMOST FREE for the asking. We simply would require any institution
that requests the program to pay for the material and distribution cost (cost
of the physical videotape plus postage). We hope to recover production costs
through corporate sponsorships.

QuiP Institute hopes to produce six one-hour programs of this sort in 1995.

If you would like more details about this program, send an e-mail message to
Steve Dynako at QUIPMAIL -at- AOL -dot- COM -dot- In the note, be sure to include your name,
the name of the school or library where you work, and your function.

I look forward to hearing from you.

Steve Dynako
QuiP Institute

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