The "Tell them once up front" style

Subject: The "Tell them once up front" style
From: Arthur Comings <atc -at- CORTE-MADERA -dot- GEOQUEST -dot- SLB -dot- COM>
Date: Tue, 14 Mar 1995 15:16:48 PST

> One of the basic tenets of tech writing is write the book for your
> audience. Your audience may want a reference guide that is not read
> cover to cover. Your audience may want a getting started guide that is
> read cover to cover - like a novel. Tech Writing does not define
> the style or organization of your book or online help. Your audience
> does.
> Jim

Sure, but you don't have the luxury of starting from scratch to develop
a new set of conventions for each audience. That's why we share (or
study in school) principles that have worked for quite a few situations
in the past. No one's suggesting that you follow them slavishly.

I submit that very few people read technical documentation like they do
novels, and that -- regardless of what you would like to think --
almost no one reads it cover to cover. I have heard that such people
exist, but nothing I have ever seen has convinced me that they're very
numerous. I wish they were -- I'd love to be able to write in the
"Tell them once up front and it's their fault if they don't remember"
documentation style, but I think that's for our convenience, and
doesn't let readers define how they actually interact with manuals.

Arthur Comings

Corte Madera, California
atc -at- corte-madera -dot- geoquest -dot- slb -dot- com

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