Chapter-based page numbering

Subject: Chapter-based page numbering
From: Kelly Burhenne <burhennk -at- SMTPGW -dot- LIEBERT -dot- COM>
Date: Wed, 15 Mar 1995 14:32:00 EST

Text item: Text_1

> The tech writing profession as a whole has adopted the chapter-based
> page numbering system almost without exception. As far as I can
> tell, this is for our own convenience and to H*** with the user.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with the chapter-based page numbering
system. As a matter of fact, I prefer it. For all of you
environmentalists out there, doesn't it make much more sense to have
to reprint only one chapter if only one chapter is being changed,
rather than the entire book? If you're that concerned about how far
ahead the next chapter is, then use tabs!

Arlen said she had to "riffle through page by page" to find the next
chapter. Why don't you just flip a chunk at a time? Works for me! Or
look in the TOC to find out how long the chapter is.

The pros of having chapter-based page numbering _far_ outweigh the
cons. I definately would not go so far as to say it is "inconvenient"
for anyone.

-Kelly Burhenne
burhennk -at- smtpgw -dot- liebert -dot- com

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