Let's blow up Paul Trummel's mailbox.

Subject: Let's blow up Paul Trummel's mailbox.
From: Patrick O'Connell <patricko -at- EICON -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 10:20:00 PST

This utterly netiquette-ignorant jerk just sent me (and everybody else on
this list, I think) a long blahblah message about some new mailing list --
and it seemed to be mostly an excuse for him to whine.

I seem to remember this guy as being the same philistine who ranted and
raved for several postings about some other professor who'd done him wrong
-- this was about a year and a half ago -- and got tossed off the list for

If I'm right, he's appropriated the subscriber list for techwr-l and engaged
in a SERIOUS breach of netiquette by using it for purposes all his own. A
personal mailing to every member of a list you're not on is NOT an
acceptable way to publicize the existence of a new list; there are
newsgroups for these things.

I've already sent my reply to Trummel (anybody remember Geroge Carlin's
seven words you can't say on television?). If you got the same mailing, use
the Net-approved method of censuring spam artists. His mail address is:

trummel -at- nwlink -dot- com

|\| Patrick Brian O'Connell ! Intermediate Writer,Eicon Technology|
.|| These are my opinions, not ! Corporation / (B) 514-631-9825 x3250|
\| Eicon Technology's. ! Net (B):patricko -at- eicon -dot- com |

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