Re: HUMOR: Tech Writer salaries

Subject: Re: HUMOR: Tech Writer salaries
From: Sue Heim <SUE -at- RIS -dot- RISINC -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 16 Mar 1995 15:22:50 PST

David Hancock just hadda share:

> Well, to make a long story short, one of the entries was for a "Paul
> Goodman" in the "Technical Pubs" department. He was hired on "8/11/90"
> and his salary was . . . (the envelope, please) . . . "$110,500." That
> was by far the highest salary on the list, outstripping the nearest
> competitor--in the Sales department--by nearly 10%.

> How much you want to bet that somebody in "Technical Pubs" came up with
> the sample data for this salary list?

Either that, or else I'm working for the wrong company!! <grin>

(We do have a lot of control over the "sample" data, though, don't
we? I mean, I'm really interested in AIDS research, so lots of the
references in the sample database pertain to AIDS... pretty tricky,

Wishing *I* made $110,000 a year,
Sue Heim
Research Information Systems
Email: Sue -at- ris -dot- risinc -dot- com

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