Joy of Digesting

Subject: Joy of Digesting
From: John Gear <catalyst -at- PACIFIER -dot- COM>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 1995 08:49:00 PST

Starts a couple hours after the Joy of Cooking and, it is hoped, ends before
the Joy of ... (ta-dum-dum!)

No, actually, moronic asides aside, this is just to follow up on Eric's plea
for people to switch to the digest version of techwrl. I had been meaning
to do so for a long time but it took the push to do it and I really like it.
So if you had been thinking about "To digest or not to digest," I recommend

I can see that it will take a little more trouble to reply to messages
(having to craft a new one and copy the appropriate stuff from the original
into it) but that seems reasonable; one message a day seems wonderful and
makes me wish I hadn't procrastinated on this.

John Gear

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