Re: Query: Two dilemmas: "users" and "long books"

Subject: Re: Query: Two dilemmas: "users" and "long books"
From: Beverly Parks <bparks -at- HUACHUCA-EMH1 -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Mon, 17 Apr 1995 15:19:30 MST

Are the "audience," "reader," "viewer," and "user" actually
different people? If not, why not simply address them as "you"?

I know when I read a manual, I like to feel that the author is
addressing *me*, not some anonymous third person.

Just a crazy idea...hope it's not off base.

=*= Beverly Parks =*= bparks -at- huachuca-emh1 -dot- army -dot- mil =*=
=*= "Unless otherwise stated, all comments are my own. =*=
=*= I am not representing my employer in any way." =*=
Geoff Hart <geoff-h -at- MTL -dot- FERIC -dot- CA> asks--
I'm currently writing a book on information design, and encountering
two problems I need some help to resolve. Since the problems likely
face many techwhirlers, I thought it might be appropriate to post them
1. I frequently refer to those who use the information we design in
our various roles as information designers. Where the context permits,
I say "the audience" (when discussing a collective target audience),
"the reader(s)" (for text that will be read rather than looked at) or
"the viewer(s)" (for visuals, including text treated as a graphic
image), but sometimes I end up resorting simply to "the user(s)". I
don't like that word, and the more obvious workarounds ("those who use
the information", "the readers, the viewers or both", etc.) are long
and equally unsatisfying. "Clients" doesn't work for me either,
despite the validity of an implied contract between author/designer
and audience.
(Question 2 snipped because I don't have any suggestion for
that one...)
=================== end

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