Re: Help me with text emphasis

Subject: Re: Help me with text emphasis
From: Beverly Parks <bparks -at- HUACHUCA-EMH1 -dot- ARMY -dot- MIL>
Date: Tue, 18 Apr 1995 14:38:21 MST

Hi, Peggy.
Here are some suggestions:

> "For example, to search the Words in Text field for either

> the term *oil* or the term *petroleum*, enter *oil,
<bold> <bold> <in quotation
> petroleum*. The resulting set will contain records having
> either the term *oil* or the term *petroleum*. The operator
<bold> <bold>
> OR searches for records that meet *any* of the search
> criteria.

> "If you wish to OR *between* fields, you must use the Guided
> Search."

Summary: Use bold to highlight or talk about a specific word or
term. For words or terms that the user is to type or enter, put
it in quotation marks. For words *you* as the author are
emphasizing, use italics.

> Another question: when we use italics and bolding, we want to
> use a font for each that is a bit different from the text font
> (otherwise, we find our bolding and italic getting lost). I say
> that if we do that, ALL instances of italic and bold must adhere
> to that same font--that is, if you bold a word such as
> *petroleum* above and you bold chapter references, both must be
> in the same font. (Some here have argued that *petroleum* should
> be in a different bold font for special emphasis, while a bolded
> chapter reference should simply be the regular text font
> bolded.)

Without going into a lot of detail about typography, bold and
italic *are* considered different fonts. What I think you are
talking about changing is the "face" or typeface (Times Roman,
Garamond, etc.).

If bold and italic of one typeface are not providing enough
distinctness, then I would recommend trying a different typeface
for all the body text, not just for the emphasized words. You
*can* do it the way you suggest, but it is very tricky and will
take a well-trained eye to choose a complementary typeface.

You risk the professional image of your documents by being
tempted to mix typefaces. A different typeface for headings and
subheadings is common practice (e.g., a serif face for body text
and a sans serif face for headings and subs), but I don't
recommend mixing typefaces within the body text.

> And one MORE question: how do you handle internal references to
> chapters and subheadings? Do you put chapter heads in italic,
> heading in bold, or some such? Or would you use the same
> emphasis technique for both the chapter titles and the
> subheadings?

I wouldn't use any emphasis for internal references to chapters
and subheadings. They should be in the same font as your
unemphasized body text.

Good luck. I'm sure you'll receive several suggestions!

=*= Beverly Parks =*= bparks -at- huachuca-emh1 -dot- army -dot- mil =*=
=*= "Unless otherwise stated, all comments are my own. =*=
=*= I am not representing my employer in any way." =*=

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